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Current Population Statistics

Norway's Population: A Comprehensive Overview

Current Population Statistics

As of Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Norway's population stands at 5,510,060, based on Worldometer's analysis of United Nations data.

On July 1, 2023, Norway's total population was estimated to be 5,514,042, according to Statistics Norway.

Population Growth Projections

Future population projections for Norway indicate the following:

  • 2020: 5,449,683
  • 2030: 5,959,215
  • 2040: 6,406,959
  • 2050: 6,801,515

Recent Population Growth Trends

As of January 1, 2021, Norway's population was 5,391,369. Population growth in 2020 was the slowest in recent history, at 23,800.

In 2022, Norway's population increased by 0.58% to 5,434,319. In 2021, the population grew by 0.43% from 2020, reaching 5,403,021.
